سرای نگارین

دانشجوی دکتری ادبیات دانشگاه تهران، شاعر آیینی و مدرّس دانشگاه

سرای نگارین

دانشجوی دکتری ادبیات دانشگاه تهران، شاعر آیینی و مدرّس دانشگاه

سرای نگارین


اتَزْعَمُ انَّکَ جِرْمٌ‏ صَغْیِرٌ
وَفیْکَ انْطَوىَ الْعالَمُ الْاکْبَر


(ای انسان!)
آیا خود را
جرمی کوچک می‌پنداری؟
حال آن‌که
جهان بزرگ‌تری
در تو نهاده شده است.

*حضرت امیر(ع)*

آخرین نظرات

Dedicated to "Noam Chomsky"; Starter of "Heraldic-Proverb Order"


Factors Affecting Language Transformations

"Hadi Dehghanian Nasrabadi
Teacher of Persian Language and Literature (from Iran)"


Different ethnic groups have always been in this series to make small or major changes in their language in different ways. This has led a group of scholars to study the language and types of developments and the views of each nation and nation on this topic by rooting out the factors affecting linguistic transformations. We are also looking at the question "Does the language have a fixed and stable language?" To search for books and scientific sources, and we have searched for the reasons for its prohibition or denial, or, in other words, the "hypothesis".

Keywords: Language, Transformation factors, Language study, Tribal beliefs, Facial and unit language

An introduction to human language: language, systematic and social phenomena.
The followers of divine religions have considered the origin of language according to the verses of this Quranic verse which "and the knowledge of Adam al-Sama al-Ṭālāh" (= Allah taught all the names to Adam) are divine revelations. In front of a group of Mu'tazilites, in a manner close to Plato, they considered the origin of language to be "human contract," and they said that the divine word was "an act," while the Ash'arites considered the source as "heavenly and supernatural" with the "old" reading of the word. . We read in another place (Torah, Genesis: Chapter III), "Those who believe in the principle of human creation in the hands of God and his fall from heaven to earth, also speak the language, such as wisdom and intelligence, or the eyes, and the ears, and the hands "They consider God's gifts to human beings." In the following, the prophet of the Prophet (PBUH & HP) states: "Adam and Waha interacted not only with each other, but with the serpent and with God." (Amin, 2008: 24 and 25). How to begin today Human speaking — as well as the way in which the arts and other skills of mankind begin to come to be known. In the sacred texts, the blessings of "speech and speech" have been identified as the most important human attributes, as in the Qur'an (Al-Raḥmān -4), the Qur'an says: "the creation of the Almighty, the Almya Alabaman" (= God created man and taught him "Expression" Then, Language and, in other words, the Speech and the expression of Expression reflect the humanity of man in the totality and the mirror of his understanding of himself, of the other and the same, and of the whole world. The more pessimistic interpretation, the definition of man to the "lover's animal" is that "man Is the only animal that is thinking and consciousness of its qualities of self-whether it is joy and sorrow, in the past, the past, and the future — the same (24)
Ibn Tafil Andalusian also says in the philosophical story of Hay Bin Yaqzan: "This person was only isolated on an island, then he sounded sounds of the sound of animals and produced sounds similar to the sound of different animals." (Amin, 2004: 63) The primary human being used to communicate with each other and transfer their thoughts and wishes to others, first of all, of the image (Pantomime, or the so-called folk melody of the game), but a little bit of non-verbal language It came with the imitation of the sounds of nature such as the thunderstorm, the whispering of the ostrich, the horses, the jackals, the whales of the nightingale ... and passing through the ho And shaping it in the mouth, in the form of strong vibrations of vibrations and eventually exposing it from mouth to outward, was able to produce Voice sound, and gradually after the transition from the imitation stage of the vocal of nature with vowels (= vowels) It came to the stage of combining letters and speeches and became a spokesman. (Amin, 2008: 26) From the time when poetry and prose came out of man's pen and human language became a new form.
Language in general has two structures: one ascending structure or a Surface Structure, which is the same as the appearance and the words in a spoken or written unit, and the other structural structure or structural structure, which is related to all its semantic, semantic and semantic dimensions. (27). Of course, the language is not limited to lexical compositions or combinations of words and syntax, but includes all semantic distribution layers. (Robbins, 1370: 27)
From linguists' point of view, language has three different functions:
1- Communicative function: Each human being adopts in the lowest possible standard language or daily routine for the transfer of his / her wishes, thoughts, and feelings to someone or others.
2. Cognitive function: In the definition of Aristotle, human beings are the "rational animal" of any thought-even in its most individual and inner limit-conditional on the use of language. As Luding Wittgenstein says, "The scope of my language is the boundary of my world." (Wittgenstein, 2004, introduction)

3. Functional expression: Unlike communicative and epistemic functions of language that is common to all individuals, the expressive function is specific to those speakers and writers who express their thoughts and feelings more effectively and in a prettier manner. This function may be spoken (= speech and sermon) or writing (= poem or story).

From Aryan Persia to Iran Farsi: Moving Iranians at the dawn of the first millennium BC is part of the vast movement of India and Europe. This migration, which took place on the one hand from Farroud (Transoxiana) and the other way through the Caucasus, led to the emergence of a great civilization in the land, which enjoyed a prehistoric history. Iranians who did not have the opportunity to move from Farroud to Punjab and join their fellow Indian and Indian brothers, turned to the Plateau (Iranian plateau), which took their name. In the west of this plateau, Iranian dark lands from north to south along the Zagros Mountains to the strongholds of the powerful Mesopotamian (Mesopotamian) governments, where they have a good land and pasture, are deployed. In 700 BC, one of the Persian gentes, called Persians, settled in Fars. The coherence and geographic continuity of the various Iranian gentiles and their contact with the ancient civilizations of the neighboring countries reveal their identity to a certain extent and affirm it. The reappearance of these gentes in various political formations in the strengthening of the dialects of each They fell into effect. These dialects, all continually in the group of Persian or Aryan languages ("Ariana" in the Avestan language), were recorded in a definite geographical area. Thus, the geography of the dialects, like the geography of the Greeks, took on the boundaries of a terrestrial region, consisting of districts and vast areas, such as northeast and southwest. These regions and large regions were continuously called "Iran City" It spreads from the east to the Persian Gulf. So, we see that the language of the Persians, which is nothing but one of the numerous dialects of Iran. The Medes and Persians each had their own dialect (Dvfvshh Koor, 1393: 16)

 Persian is a language that represents Iran's national culture and identity. This language has gone through many ups and downs over time, but it remains immortal. The secret of the immortality of the Persian language can be seen as having a rich cultural background, a culture that has built great poets and writers such as Ferdowsi, Khayyam, Sa'di, Hafez, Attar, Rumi, Ganji military, and so on, And the inseparable Persian language. In the contemporary period, due to the development of communications and mass media, Persian language is at the highest risk of all courses; that the existence of a strong academy, the proper planning of teaching Persian language and literature in schools, and the co-operation of academics and the owner The authors of the writing and editing, and their consensus in this regard, can continue the immortality of this language.

But the subject that needs more reflection here is to look at the factors of change and change in the Persian language and thus the Persian line. As stated in the historical books of the Persian language, the factors that lead to changes in Persian language and script are divided into two groups:

The Inner Factors of the Transformation of the Persian Language

The language of the cradle of human civilization is the genealogy of every nation and the category of the first method of self-expression. The language is in fact a birth certificate and identification card of every nation and nation, so it is necessary to address it. In our country, Iran, like all There are a variety of languages, dialects and dialects, and in addition to Persian as the official language, there are also other languages and dialects, such as Lori, Kurdish, Azeri, Baluchi, Tati, Gila, Tabari, Arabic and Turk men, which vary in size and from Due to the number of speakers and the proximity to the official language, each of these dialects and languages as the native language of one of the Iranian tribes is an important part of culture and hu- It is their ethnicity. Basically, the transformation of languages is one of the inherent characteristics of languages that is influenced by language and exogenous factors. The impact of cultural and social phenomena is on two kinds of language changes: a) gradual change b) sudden change, which Typically, the first type is more common. To address language discourse, several terms have to be explained: language convergence, language change, language death, language survival, dead language, declining language, and endangered language.

1. Language convergence: In the field of social linguistics, the term linguistic convergence is referred to as the dialect process of each other. The process of simulation is usually one-sided, with its local and non-standard language approach to the national dialect and criterion. .

2. Language Change: This term is in fact another term for the description of the term linguistic convergence. In definitions, language change is a condition in which people of a two or multilingual community lose their native language in favor of another language. .

3. Language death: A state of language change. The language of a language occurs when members of a language society that has a language change are the only speakers of that language in the world. It is a death of a language with the death of its last speaker. Language happens.

4. Survival of language is the opposite of the language's survival, and when members of a linguistic society decide in a community of two or more languages to continue to use their ancestral language.

5. Language daed or extinct: A language that has no native speakers.

6. Language Moribund: A language that has no native speakers among the young and younger generation.

7. Language endangered: The language of its speakers is very low (Bashir Nezhad, 2004).

Death of language can be considered as a gradual process that begins with a change of language and, if extended, linguistic change may cause a declining language, and in the later stage of the language, endangered, and ultimately silent and non-language. Of course, it should be noted that Not all language changes will lead to death and death. Linguists consider several factors in survival or silence as an effective language: immigration, industrialization, urbanization, constraints imposed by governments, number of speakers, social credentials of languages (political, social, military, scientific and literary support) Areas of application (application at home, workplace, media, trade and religion), globalization, language of education in the educational system of the country and natural disasters. Obviously, the local and non-standard language, which lacks a literary and literary system, due to the loss of many of the above factors, including social credentials and areas of application, is capable of coping well with its preservation and survival against the standard and national language. Not having Language change involves changes in the three structural levels, syntax, vocabulary, and phonetic, in which the syntax is slower than the change of vocabulary and vocabulary. (Zahrakar, 1392: 2)

Durrani factors, which are also called intrinsic factors, are internal intrinsic to language, within it, and without the involvement of external factors. As the virtual applications and the principle of "donation" create new meanings for certain terms (Abolqasemi, 1379: 35)

In the language, too, from the two linguistic chains that make up a meaning, "in a more equitable manner, the chain is more straightforward." For example, between these two sentences, the first sentence is true, and the second sentence contains a mass of errors:

-This painting has been compiled by Kamal-ol-Molk.

— This board is drawn by Kamal al-Molk.

In linguistics, the main one is the "libido" or "linguistic laziness" or "linguistic economics", and the driving engine of the language and the agent of the conversion of complex ancient languages (such as ancient Persia) to modern languages (such as Middle Persian and Persian Dari) It is known. What is known in Persian language history, "Persian Basic Texts", such as Balayma's History and the translation of Tabari's commentary, is based on the principle of "Ostera Akam" and the so-called "Marseilles Prose". Also, the most exquisite works of Persian, which are known as "easily absent", such as Ferdowsi's Shahnameh and Saudi's lyrics, have always chosen the easiest ways to implement a theme from among several possible ways. (Washani, 2011: 5)

The "Ocham Razor" or "Essential Ocham" is attributed to English philosopher William O'Kham, a logician and philosopher. In the 14th century, William Ocamp introduced the original, known as the "Oak Razor". According to this principle, whenever two different explanations are presented about the cause of the occurrence of phenomena, in the explanation that is more complex, the probability of a mistake is greater and, therefore, under the conditions of equality of the other cases, a simpler explanation is more likely to be correct. Maggie, Kamshad, 2007: 75) The first form of this Ma had in Latin is as follows: Kumquat Rosendo est pluritas sine necessitate its free translation in Farsi: "In the description and description, remove the necessary parts." But his more common form is as follows: between the two attitudes that have the same ability to describe and predict the simplest one. Here, the "simplest" attitude is meant to be the one in which the least of the meanings are used. In this way, whenever we need to find an explanation for something, we must always apply the minimum necessary assumptions. Without necessity, one should not assume anything. At first glance, it seems unreasonable to say that the likelihood of the correctness of the explanations is more complicated than the more complex, but it is. Of course, the condition of "equalizing other things" is also important.

In general, internal changes that occur in different areas of language include phonetic changes, grammatical transformations, and lexical transformations. The speed of linguistic variation is not the same in different phonetic or spoken, grammatical, and lexical contexts. Linguists divide phonetic changes into several synonyms, eliminate phonemes, increase phonemes and heart or displacement. The grammatical changes of language are usually limited and are often combined with lexical variations. Linguistic changes are wider and more obvious than other linguistic changes.
Zia Mow had says: "I believe that the literature of two species changes: one from the outside and one from the inside. Transformation from outside has the effect of taking literature from other countries. All the poets of different countries are affected by each other. We had this impact from the outside in the past. Our poets have influenced Arabic literature and Iranian literature. Cultures affect each other. Like the effects that Shamloo says is Lorak's poetry. One is the inner influence of the essence of the language. This other effect is the language's own property. It's like Earth's impact on the flow of water. According to his nature, water finds his way on the ground. You see in Persian poetry that the Persian weight has its own way. Rhymes, if they function properly and not in the form of old and imposed, will take on a new role, which Nima refers to. That is, the rhyme comes from the essence of the text and not imposed from the outside. Rhymes are very important in poems that are called light verses. For example, in the poem "Halalzadeh" the story of a regular employee is narrated. In that poem, Qa'afi comes out of the book. When you read in poetry, "Double Dinner / Three Times in Amsterdam" is actually a contradiction, and one from the East goes to the west. Or where I wrote: "It was born time / took woman's time / Halalzadeh / it's time to die." This rhyme is taken and the man is alright, as Nima says. This rhyme works here because it comes out of it. These are internal changes and additional charges. These are the loads that come from the tongue and often disappear in translation. In the old poetry, we must have strong poets such as Hafez and Sa'di that we did not understand for rhymes that made themings. Those who imitated Hafez and Saudi are those who can easily understand the rhyme, and therefore each of their sonnets is related to a separate issue. Also, in the case of Hafiz, who say that his ghazall is the so-called "Pas hang", that is, unity, I must say that it has been exaggerated a bit. Many Hafiz ghazals have a single theme, and it's not that each bite is a different issue. For example, Sa'di is more coherent in Hafez's view, because his lyrics remain romantic. But Hafez sometimes talks about love, sometimes talking about hypocrisy, talking about oppressive cruelty and talking about the world's desperation. These are not all in space. " (Educators, 2014: 6)

Other factors that, in addition to being "impoverished", affect the internal transformations of language, is "homogeneity". This factor was called vowel harmony. "Harmony of Waitresses" is a phonetic feature in some languages that limits the pronunciation and vowel dialect. For example, this linguistic feature prevents the coming of the vowels (AA-O) and the short (O-AU) in a single word; this means that in such languages all or all vowels must have a word drawn and Or short For example, in the Azerbaijani and Turkish languages, Saleh becomes the domain of knowledge or knowledge of Allah. Of course, this feature is not always respected in multi-threaded terms, especially in the last syllable. In the case of some non-Turkish words that are spoken in other languages, especially in Persian and Arabic languages, harmony may not be performed. The languages that fall into this category are:

1. Kuchati language. Chukchi's language. Chuvashi. Shanty language. Soto Song

2. Finnish language. Kyrgyz language. Kazakh language. Uzbek language. Komi language. Lin gala language.

3. Mantis Language. Hungarian Voices. Vooro Voice. Yakuti Music. Oggy Music. Uighur Music.

4. Iggy's language. Bacchini language. Tatar language. Turkish language speaker. Telegraph language. Tolo language. Komi language

We are reviewing this in Persian. Homogeneity is another factor which, if prompted or unwittingly, results in a change or change of words as a result of the rapid pronunciation of words or dialectal differences or other factors. Notice the following for clarification:

The Tehrani dialect is different in terms of the use of vowel coordination with other Persian dialects (Isfahan, Shirazi, Mashhadi and Lori dialect), in other words, in addition to the inter language and linguistic factors, extra-linguistic factors such as the frequency of the linguistic element, validity, exposure to the media Whether they are grouped together, that the accent is related to the language of the second language, the formal or informal nature of the tissue is also involved in the use of vowel coordination. On this basis, the result is that the facts Language and linguistics are influences, not factors. (Afghani, Ali, Bagherzadeh Kasmani, Morad, 2007, 1)
Exogenous factors of the transformation of Persian language

2. External factors: these categories of factors are divided into two other categories: the ancient ones (from the beginning to the Middle Persian) and the other, the new factors (from the middle Persian end to know).

The ancient factors of the transformation of Persian language is a branch of the so-called Indian and European languages, one of its main branches being Indianian or Aryan, and on its evolutionary path, it first entered the ancient Persian language, where the mother and then Achaemenid tribes spoke in the language. This language changes with the attack of Alexander to the level of the Middle Persian language, which divides it into two groups of Partisan and Parsian or Parchian Pahlavi and Sassanian Pahlavi. The Sassanian Pahlavi language was reduced to the initial prosperity of the Arabs by invading Iran. Combining Arabic with Arabic and Arabic language, it moved to another stage, which became common in a large part of Iran's plateau. With the changes of the last century and the frequent contacts of the culture of the East with the West, the Dari language has entered a new era with a slight transformation, which they call "Persian Farsi" and some of which are considered as Persian Dari. The common language in today's Afghanistan and Tajikistan are other examples of Persian Dari that are different from the Persian of today. Persian language is rooted in Middle Persian and Middle Persian is rooted in ancient Persian. From ancient Persia, the languages of the Avestan, Gordian, Medieval, Ancient Persians and Scythians emerged. These languages are almost at the same time and do not have a predilection. At the time of the Achaemenids, ancient Persian is the official language of the empire. Persian language consists of three languages: Parsi Ancient, Parsi Middle (Pahlavi), and Parsi New (Persian after Islam), and because they are absolutely Persian, they are the words of the last language. Ibn ALADI tells Abdullah Abdul that the words of Farsi are six: Fahlviah (Pahlavi), Dariyah (Dari), Persian (Farsi language), Khoziae (Khouzestan language), and Serbia. Fahlviah is attributed to the name (Fahleh) which is on the total of five cities of Isfahan, Ray and Hamedan, and the month of Nahavand and Azerbaijan. (Abolqasemi, 1374, 26)

Ancient Persian was the mother tongue and the mother tongue of the family and the Achaemenid dynasty. The first written finding of this language is the Hebrew tongue, which dates back to the sixth century BC. Ancient Persia was a nail that appeared to have not been among any group of people during Achaemenid times, and was the only literary secretary to write stubs. The ancient period, from the beginning to the collapse of the Achaemenid Empire, covers almost from the twentieth century to the fourth and third centuries BC. From ancient Iranian languages, four dialects are known: Materi, Scythian, Avestan and Ancient Persian. Of the material and the secular language, one in western Iran and the region of Madad and the other in the north, is commonplace from the borders of China to the Black Sea, including among the Parthians and Sogdians, only words and phrases remain in the writings of others. But there are many documents in the Avestan and Persian languages. Zoroaster writes his book in the Avestan language (Rashed Madhassal, 2001, 17)

From the earliest times when different tribes gathered and formulated the rules of the language and recorded the pronunciation and meaning of the words, all of their discussions were based on a principle that was certain that nobody was right in question, and that principle "The language has the same fixed form ..." (Natel Khanlari, 1365: 70). This constant form, either in terms of words or in combination of words, is based on the way in which they are used in literary or religious works belonging to a certain time They were gaining. The Sculptors of Alexandria put the verses of the "Homer" and other ancient Greek poets into an eloquent scale, and since the language of these writings became obsolete and altered during their time, they attempted to lay down rules that contemporaries followed in their own way and (The same: 70) Later, the Romans learned this method of study from the scholars of Alexandria and adapted their language, and the rules of grammar that were created on this basis were transmitted from Latin to European nations, And the scientific basis, which was called the "grammar" in the same Greek word. In the East, this was the basis for the emergence of the rules of language. The Hindus had a Bible called Veda. The text of this book was about ancient times, and it was difficult for the believers to understand the meaning of the words and the meaning of the language through the evolution of language. Indian scholars have sought to keep their "religious language" in their original form, so they were able to record and set up rules to preserve the language from the change that they called "corruption." (71)

In Arabic, words and phrases were created for the same reason and purpose ... This difference in pronunciation in the Arabs was an unforgivable sin. They have narrated that a man used to spell a word in front of the Prophet (BUH). The Prophet said to his helpers: "Guard your brother who is astray." They also wrote that a teacher from Abu Musa Ash'ari wrote a letter to Umar, in which there was a verbal mistake. Omar wrote in response to "make the secretary a lash." Then, when such mistakes became frequent and the leaders of Islam feared believers to read the Book of the Heavens (the Holy Qur'an) incorrectly, they were to devote scholars to the development of word books and rules and Syntax. (Same as 71)

Of course, in every language, there were also other common forms that the peasants and tribes of each nation talked about. Scholars have said that these dialects are "the corrupt form of the original language," and those who use them are ignorant and ignorant people. In this way, among every ethnic nation, a literary or literary language was written by the writer, trying to speak the same way and learn the rules; besides this literary language, it was always commonplace that such a language Literature did not consider them to be worthy of consideration and research. This way of thinking was prevalent throughout the world until one or two centuries ago. What caused this idea to be different is the "familiarity" between different nations from the beginning of the nineteenth century ... The result of this discovery was that none of the literary languages Scientists knew and documented their rules and, for reasons of authenticity, they did not find the basis of the original language, but many of them had another principle that we do not know; and what remains is the different forms of the principle. . So these faces are undergoing change, and our effort to preserve them in one form and in a way is in vain (ibid., 72 and 73)

Before linguistics emerged, the scholars of linguistics and syntax mentioned some minor changes that occurred over time in the literary language under the title "exception", "exclusion", and "rare", and their cause was "plurality of use" (73) As a result of this historical principle, "the deviation from the principle, or the change of one of the facial expressions of language, is not considered to be erroneous or false, as in Natural affairs The conversion of another matter or the transformation of a living cell from a pink to another, the result of the error of that material or that cell is not corrupted, but is "the effect of the constitution of the law" (ibid. 74)

For example, a phrase from the writings of the Achaemenid kings: "Beg Vakarak Ahoor Mazda ... Hey Xiangmida Ada Merit Hiya"

The word "bag" is abandoned and God is used instead, and the word "ada" means creation and obsolete, and the word "created" has been used instead (ibid., 74).

Persian language, as in all other languages of the world, is subject to change. Words change from the beginning, the middle, and the end. The final and middle term transformation of words is more common than the beginning. This development is also evident in the passage from ancient Persian to Persian Dari, such as Haphazard, which in Persian became "disciple." (Ashraf Sadeghi, 2007: 1)

Modern Factors in the Transformation of Persian Language

With the death of Yazdgerd III in 651 AD and the overthrow of the Sassanian government, Iran became a part of the Islamic state until it established Jacob Laith Saffar in the year 867 AD (254 AH) in the Zaranj city of Sis tan and established the Persian language of Dari as the official language That recognition has continued so far. In the interval between the fall of the Sassanian and the establishment of the Safari government and the Zoroastrian language, the Zoroastrian Middle Persian and the Manic heist language of Middle Persian were the Manicheans and the scientific language of the Arabian Muslims. The Persian language of Dari (Dari means official and court) is the Middle Persian follower of Zoroastrianism, which since the time of Jacob Lith Saffar became the official Iranian language of Muslims and gradually replaced other Iranian languages such as Sogdi, Khwarizmi and Balk hi. In the vast region of India to Europe and from the sea Khwarizmi was used to the Persian Gulf. The Persian language used to write the Arabic alphabet, and by making some changes it made the alphabet suitable for writing Persian language, and converted it into Persian alphabet. It should be noted that Persian exile in the Mongolian government of India, which preached until 1275 AH, led to the creation of a language called Urdu, which is now the language of Pakistan. Now the Persian language and its derivatives are widely used in a significant number of countries in the region, such as Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, etc. [2] (Tafazli, 1999: 15)

Here it is necessary to examine how to support Persian language and the causes of changes in Persian language and Persian language today:

The immortality of the Persian language: Millibar Lazar, when studying the formation of Persian language, says: "The formation of national languages is always a complex process. Especially when faced with the authentic language of a civilization and culture "(Lazar, 2007: 1). One of the strengths of the Persian language is that it represents a well-known culture. Obviously, a language that has such a strong cultural backing will not be lost. Persian language has shown its immortality, at least in two difficult tests, through this solid cultural backbone: first, the Muslim Arab invasion and their dominance over Iranians, although they caused the Persians to speak poetry in Arabic after a century. Writing a book and creating a Persian but unfamiliar generation in Farsi language, could never fail the Iranian people to crash. And over the course of three centuries, Persian language became not only a tool for everyday communication but also created one of the richest forms of world literature. Otherwise, the policy of deregulation of the Soviet Union in contemporary times is to eradicate the language from the land of Tajikistan. To achieve their goal, they have separated large cities such as Samarkand and Bukhara from the Persian language, in political and cultural decisions And economics, dominated the Uzbeks in Tajikistan; they changed the Persian script first to Latin, and then to Russian; they traced the literacy that they wrote on the Persian line to prison or killed, and eventually the name of the language The Persian was translated into Tajik language, but none of these actions could prevent the Persian language This land was destroyed and finally, with the independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Persian language and language quickly grew in this country. (An sari, 2007: 1)

Each language according to its structure has features for word processing; for example, one of the features of the Arabic language is the absence of four phonemes (P, G, G, Q). The absence of these phonemes in Arabic makes it possible to add the words (which usually have one of these phonemes) to a small change in their entire vocabulary, since Arabic is a language group Sami is another way of constructing a word in this language, derivation of words based on a form of change that is given to three-letter or four-letter roots. Therefore, the terms in this language are directly related to the number of third and third roots. But the Persian language, which is a branch of the languages of India and Europe, has the potential to multiply by using the method of derivation and combination of polynomials several times more than Zba This Arabic word processor. For example, in the Arabic glossaries, the word "Adam al-Qa'ar" is in Persian, which means "soft", or the term "forging and confronting the places and the arrogance between the objects", which in Persian is equivalent to "incidental." The Egyptian Academy of Sciences, which is confronted with barriers to word processing, has argued that it should abandon the rules of Arabic on scientific terms and use the rules of the languages of India and Europe. " (Arithmetic, 1374: 11)

 B) Causes of Transformation in Persian Language and Language: Because language has a dynamic state, not static, it is inevitably evolving. It is not the only Persian language and language that changes over time. All languages and worlds are featured in deliverability. The following factors can be cited as the causes of change in Persian language and script today:

1. The expansion of mass media, in particular the global Internet network, has led Iranians, especially educated and young people, to communicate with scientific associations, scientists and foreign students. This relationship, which is established in English and in English, will increase the domination of the young Persian speakers on the English letters and will cause them to write Farsi with the English alphabet when communicating with Persian speakers.

· With the advent of industrial and cultural phenomena and political, economic and cultural relations, the arrival of educated people from abroad and the factors of geography (alignment) and taboos and military encounters, there have been developments in the language that are regular and can not be random and irregular. The basic transformation is part of the nature of the language and perhaps of the nature of the human being itself. Language evolution is not solely due to the influence of other languages. Language itself, too, is intrinsically intrinsic, and language is also changing due to the changing needs of society. This change is very slow and gradual. {A part of these developments is in the intrinsic part, and another part is also explored in its extrapolation.} But the sudden invasion of foreign languages by the rise of political power and their influence on the one hand, and the sharp shift in social needs on the other It makes language evolution faster in a certain period of history.

But the main reason for the entry of foreign words, one of the important factors in the development of language, is the advancement of technology in the world, which is being produced at such a rapid pace of scientific and technical means and spread throughout the world, which is not included in the number. These tools also bring their brand name into the other countries with the same name. Sometimes in the translation of scientific books due to the large number of technical terms the translators are unable to find Persian equivalents for all of them, and due to lack of the opportunity to find the equivalent of Persian, the original terms are also entered the Persian language. Entry of alphabets and alien structures may lead to the following consequences: a) Failure to remain and forgetting the language of the ancestors, which disconnects the relationship with tradition and culture; b. The disruption of communication between people in terms of language, Understanding and understanding that is the basis of social understanding.

· Among the results that have come about through the advancements of the countries of the world, the transfer of ideas, brain drain and ... in influential countries, and is also moving forward, it is the factor of "grappling". Is "a kind of borrowing of a language in which the compound or other terms of another language are decomposed, and for each of the words, the term is an equivalent and the phrase is translated into the borrower's language. For example, when a "potato" entered Iran, there was no word for naming it, and the French term "Pomme de Terre" was named as its constituent words, apple and earth, and the term "potato" instead put. Gathering is much more hidden and complicated than borrowing (getting the same words from a foreign language, such as a computer), and has less attracted the attention of linguists and even linguists. In contrast to loanwords, they do not take the same word in an alien language, but take an external term or phrase, and each word translates that term in its own language, thus using the word alien using insider words. In Persian, many terms and terms related to new and contemporary affairs and things that have never existed in Persian have been translated into European languages (especially English). Such as: skyscrapers, peanuts, railways, etc. Of course, digging is not limited to words and expressions, but has a wider scope, and it is also drawn to translation, meaning, enunciation, writing, and syntax. As it is said in Persian: "New technologies are going to change the face of the earth completely." This type of writing (which goes ...) is a syntactic digestion of Western languages, which in this example should be said that "new technologies are near That's ... "(Artalo, 1373: 50-52)

2. For political and social reasons, after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, which this article does not discuss with them, Iranians are scattered over the peoples of other ancient cultures (China, Japan, Greece, Egypt, etc.). have become. This dispersal and distancing from the Persian language domain has had implications for this language. Many of these Iranian children in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere in the non-Iranian schools are taught and nurtured, so they do not have the opportunity to get to know the Persian line and learn only the Persian language through the use of the family. . This group of Iranians also appears on the Persian line through websites, publications and books due to lack of familiarity with the Persian script. On the other hand, their language changes for us because of the proximity of non-Persian speakers to their natural and perceptible natural and perceptible aspects.

3. Translations Another Factor for Deliverability of Persian Language Many terms of English and French (including, counting, indifferent, etc.) have been translated through Persian into Persian, and today it is a part of Unfortunately, in many cases, translations have affected the syntax of Persian language, including mentioning the subject in conjunction with the term by means of the missing sentences: the mouse by means of Cat was eaten Of course, the impact of translations is only on the Persian language, and it does not create a change.

4. Unfortunately, in our country, there is no place for a supervisory authority that requires all publications and publications to use a particular Persian line method. Each publication has a special style of writing. The Persian literary academy, despite its seventy-year history, has not undertaken any monitoring duties. The author is of the opinion that if the academy monitors the Persian way of Persian as much as it does to word processing, it will bring better results to the Persian language. Of course, one should not forget that one of the reasons for the weakness of the academy is the disagreement between the scholars of the language and the Persian language. The layered views of the various types of writing and editing books, spelling and grammar illustrate these disagreements well.

5. The Iranian disintegration of their civilization and cultural background, for whatever reason, leads to weakness and degeneracy of Persian language and script. Persian language represents a culture. The cause of immortality of this language is also the same as the rich cultural and ancient backing. This language remains the tent that Iranian culture and identity are its pillars. This tent falls when its pillars Lose (An sari, 2007: 2) Unfortunately, in recent years, aliens have been struggling to overturn the Iranian culture, which, due to the combination of religion and nationality, is one of the richest cultures in the world, inverting and introducing us as a primitive nation. What is more unfortunate is the Iranian people's neglect of ancient culture and national identity and the child's minds of our students during the primary school plays a number of national stories (except for the story of the birth of Zal, there is no other story). How much do we pay to our ancient culture in TV shows? Can a nation forgetting its ancient past can be a linguist who is an integral part of that culture? Which academy has saved our language from destruction in centuries? Certainly, what kept this language safe was the Iranian attachment to ancient and national culture along with religious culture.

C) How to handle Persian? Although it is the duty of all Persian speakers to protect the Persian language and literature, some of the institutions have a direct duty to this passage. According to the letter of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature, one of the duties of this institution is as follows: "To maintain the strength and authenticity of the Persian language as one of the pillars of the Iranian national identity and the second language of the Islamic world." If this institution can, along with expanding the scope of vocabulary, To take this slogan and act on the authenticity of the Persian language as one of the pillars of national identity, many concerns will be resolved. Another institution that could pass the passage through the Academy was the language and the Persian language influences education. Appropriate educational planning for recognizing national identity and uniform language training of the Persian language is one of the tasks of education. Our education should pay attention to the fact that the students of this land acquire knowledge through the language of the Persian language, therefore, the training of the more accurate the language and the line, is the basis of learning knowledge and skills. In this context, the correct reading of the text (psyche) and spelling (writing) are considered as independent and compulsory courses and for them, for example, a score of at least 14 is considered. The third most influential institution in the pass is the Persian language and literature of higher education institutions and colleges. Unfortunately, Persian language and writing experts who have a lot of impact on linearity can not agree, and each one takes on a particular style. Exposing. Sound and sound is another effective institution in promoting Persian language and supporting it. In addition to being able to contribute to the expansion and harmonization of the Persian language and script, this institution can also be effective in identifying a national identity, which is the backing of the Persian language. However, the coordination between the four institutions suggests to the owners of the language a certain style in line and love in Persian as a factor of national unity. (An sari, 1386: 3)
The Persian Language and Literature Academy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has undergone fundamental changes during the collection of articles, which has been created in Persian for the last 100 years, some of which have been conscious and some unconscious. We know that Persian language is constantly It's changing. This language has changed in many centuries, including in the third and fourth centuries, especially after the Mongol invasion. The changes that have taken place in this century in the last century, and especially in the last 60 or 70 years, have been divided into seven groups, which are:

1. A conscious change is a sentence that the subject will later find out, and this construction is one of the methods of writing in English, and the interpreter brings the same structure of the English language in Persian. For example, they say: "While you were on, Mars came in." Instead of "Bah ram, when it came to the door," or "Bah ram Lang Langan came in." Another example is to use, but in the middle of the sentence. For example, the saying: "The staff of all eight hours work, I am at 9 am," while in Persian, did not have a "but" in the middle of the sentence, and I think Shamloo was the first time in a poem but To this style. Sometimes it is done by unknowing translators.

2- The translation of a or a from English into one is in Persian and maybe this is one of the first mistakes made by students in the English class. For example, they say "This is a pencil" and learn to say "It's a pencil". They translate a to a translation, if there is not a translation and "this pencil" is enough.

3. Another unknowing problem is the use of the verb for the subject for the non-subject subject. Because this issue is in English, and they think they should be in the Persian language and insist that they will adopt it as a rule.

4- Using a word instead of another word in another sense or in another way. An example is the use of "comment" instead of attention. This word is one of the most productive Persian words, and some people think that the term "attention" is synonymous; for example, I have heard it occasionally, and it is common for these days to be "obscene" while we did not have the word in the past (eye We had a shot). A comment is a positive concept, and in Sufism and mysticism, the thing that grows up is the point: "Do not go back to your point of view", while the eye is wounded and negatively negative, or instead of saying "I draw your attention to this subject" They say, "I draw your attention to this subject."

5. Other interpretations of the clichés we translate equally; for example, they say, "This is one thing and that one other thing", which is very common today, while if you look at ancient Persian texts, they always said: "This One thing else and that other thing "or" this is the other and that the other ". There is a difference in the use of the other, which used it in both lambs.

6- The interpretation of the one in English rather than in Persian is one of the things that translators may not pay attention to. one in English has different roles, some of which we can not translate into Farsi, but the translator transmits it mechanically wherever one finds it to be translated, and we gradually draw the roles one has in English, in The word form is translated into Persian, and we expect others to use it in this way. Perhaps the translators think that diversity and innovation are good or that they think a term or phrase is Arabic, and they should put Persian in their place and often do not pay attention to what the words they use are not exactly synonymous. For example, a fashion that is said to be in any form, in any way, or in any way. Perhaps because they think that the face is more precise and therefore more precise. For example, the use of the word "empowered" instead of "Havana" emphasized: the mighty of the old was in Farsi: "It is capable of everyone who knows," but now it is used less, especially when they want to They are somewhat stylish, they do not use the mighty word, and they use the empowered place. The problem is that you dropped off a phrase that was formerly in the Persian language and parenthood, and replaced the word that was borrowed for a particular meaning and violated the whole purpose.
7- The other thing is the tendency to be excessive. For example, in the sentence "This is an important issue", a sentence is redundant. Or, for example, the problem is when the object passes away, and sometimes I see two of them in a sentence; like the first one does not screw up a lot, and they are forced to put another one, and this is the worst type of disguise. Another example is forgetting the main meaning of a word, such as touching and clapping. Clapping is the correct interpretation while touching is equivalent to touch English and has another meaning. I suppose this change began from the beginning, when the readers wanted to hear the words "hands, hands" from their listeners.

8. Language tongues are among the factors that make language changes. For example, using the verbs to take off (NAAFA, 1391: 183), or using a chest instead of a breast, which is very unnatural, or peeling instead of peeling. All these examples require that we correct all the changes that are made in the Persian language. We must divide and identify these developments. These developments occur in every language in the world today, and many of them are ambiguous. However, the more correct the language is, the closer it is to its original, the healthier. (Mehr News Agency quoted by the Persian Language and Literature Academy of the Islamic Republic of Iran)


As we have seen during the research, the developing language and some of the factors involved in this are increasing its speed and imposing more foes on the Persian language. One of these factors is the entry of alien words, in particular Arabic, Turkish, and English and French, etc. The reason for entering alien terms within the language is by factors such as technical and scientific superiorities, religious communion, the proximity of languages to each other, economic relations, Political, educated people abroad, sense of supremacy, language learning, etc. But today one of the main reasons for invading foreign words, especially English vocabulary, is the desire to learn and use this language. Of course, in the present era, language training is a soft weapon instrument, and it's not just for interconnectedness. Therefore, it is better for the Persian Language and Literature Academy to reach the language of our mother, and to remove it from the alien language.

Persian language and literature are literary, mystical, moral, historical, cultural and artistic, and it should be the key to entering Iran's culture and art, Islamic and Islamic revolution. Undoubtedly, anyone who can speak and write in Persian will be interested in getting acquainted with the rich content and literature of Persian language. On the other hand, Persian literature has long enjoyed a great foothold in the Orient, and it has been a part of literary culture in Transoxania, Asia Minor and, to some extent, the Balkans, and in particular the Indian subcontinent. Considering the high content and concepts of Persian literature, many enthusiastic people around the world are encouraged to read and understand Persian literature. As the Supreme Leader, in a meeting with the members of the Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran on March 5, 1370, referred to the position of Persian literature outside the Iranian border, described one of the ways of preserving and expanding Persian language through the spread of literature: "Literature is not just a hobby and a ceremonial event in life; it is an indispensable thing. Suppose we today wish that those nations who were familiar with Iranian culture and literature around the world would have this connection and their connection. It is believed that colonialism, which lasted for decades — perhaps in some places for centuries — tried to cope with the effects of Iranian culture on many It's gone from all over the world; for example, in India this is quite clear ... "

In this period, when our language is exposed to all social, cultural, political, economic and other problems, it will become a bigger problem in the future, a strong academy, support for the use of Persian words, correct use of the vocabulary According to the meaning, the compilation of educational resources at all levels of study and ... can take this problem out of the head.

Hadi Dehghanian Nasrabadi
Winter 2014

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[1] — Dr. Zia Movahed: Born on January 12, 1321, in Isfahan, Professor of Philosophy and Logic at the University of Tehran, and a prominent scholar "Prof. W. W. Hart, director of the Logic Group of the Society for Philosophy and Philosophy of Iran, one of the 100 most prominent poets in the world. In addition to several poetry books, he has published many works on logic, philosophy, translation, and also in the field of literature. Zia Mow had in the second half of the eighties turned into a controversial figure in the field of Iranian literature and intellectuals with statements about Jalal al-Ahmad as well as the poetry style of Ghazal.
[2] — In Iran, the first language is more than 40 million tons of Persian (58% to 79%). The first Persian language is 20 million people in Afghanistan, 5 million in Tajikistan and about 7 million in Uzbekistan. Persian language is also in Gujvrani in India and Pakistan (see Persian in the Indian subcontinent). Considering the official Persian language in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, and the dominance of the dialects of other languages as the second language, the number of Persian speakers in the world can be estimated at around 110 million. [12] Persian language is the 13th most widely used language in electronic content (web) Is. (The Persian Language and Literature Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran".

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